Abdullah Makkeh
I'm interested in information theory, mathematical optimization, data analysis and their applications in studying complex systems. The main focus currently is how does the global computation of entities (esp. neural networks and RL interactions) emerges from their local components. For more details, have a look at my research statement.
Since October 2019, I'm a Postdoc at the Univesity of Göttingen, Department of Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks headed by Michael Wibral
Past Positions
Sep 2018 -- Sep 2019: Postdoc at the Univesity of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science, in the groups:
Jan 2019 -- Dec 2019: Part-time computational applied mathematician at Ketita labs developing quantum technology.
Guest Scientist
Nov 2019 -- Present: at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization Göttingen, Neural Systems theory group headed by Viola Priesemann
- PhD (Informatics) University of Tartu (2018, Supervisor: Dirk Oliver Theis)
- MSc (Mathematics) Lebanese University (2013, Supervisor: Bassam Mourad)
- BSc (Mathematics) Lebanese University (2011)
Have a look at my CV (PDF) and publications
Research Statement
Complex systems such as the brain, artificial neural networks, and interactive agents have a common necessity to be able to function that is processing information. These systems perform their computation by processing huge amounts of information: storing (e.g. memorization), transferring (e.g. communication), or modifying it (e.g. perception or decision making). Therefore, one methodology to understand these systems is by inspecting them through the information processing lens. Information theory lends itself as a mathematical framework that enables information processing probing of complex systems.
My research is mainly driven by the aim of enhancing the capability of information theory in studying complex systems. This prompts two main research directions
- introducing novel approaches to recently established areas of information theory and
- improving established techniques in information theory.
The first research direction focuses on the recently established area of partial information decomposition (PID). This area of study permits to ask simple yet vital questions that have perplexed researchers for many years. For instance, PID allows us to answer what part of the system has unique information about certain inputs? Or how much the information in parts of a system are redundant or synergistic?
The second research direction has the goal of improving the estimation of the information quantities. This is important since one can mainly inquire about observables of these systems, then from this data infer certain information quantities in question, that in its turn would yield insights to the underlying principles that govern the function of the system. Therefore having reliable estimation methods is critical to the validity of information-theoretic analyses of complex systems.
Current Work
Developing a measure for the information theoretic concept Partial information Decomposition. The aim is that this measure satisfies certain properties such as differentiability and locality so that it can be used in analysing neural systems to understand their global-local dichotomy of computation.
Journal Articles
- A Measure of the Complexity of Neural Representations based on Partial Information Decomposition. With David A. Ehrlich, Andreas C. Schneider, Viola Priesemann, Michael WibralTMLR2023Code on GitHub
- Quantifying Reinforcement-Learning Agent’s Autonomy, Reliance on Memory and Internalisation of the Environment. With Anti Ingel, Oriol Corcoll, and Raul Vicente. Entropy 2022 24(3)Code on GitHub
- Bits and Pieces: Understanding Information Decomposition from Part-whole Relationships and Formal Logic. With Aaron Gutknecht and Michael Wibral. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 2021 477(2251):20210110
- Introducing a differentiable measure of pointwise shared information. With Aaron Gutknecht and Michael Wibral. Physical Review E 2021 103(3) Code on GitHub
- MAXENT3D_PID: An Estimator of the Maximum-Entropy Trivariate Partial Information Decomposition. With Daniel Chicharro, Dirk Oliver Theis, Raul Vicente. Entropy 2019 21(9) Code on GitHub
- BROJA_2PID: A Robust Estimator for Bivariate Partial Information Decomposition. With Dirk Oliver Theis, Raul Vicente. Entropy 2018 20(4) Code on GitHub
- Bivariate Partial Information Decomposition: The Optimization Perspective. With Dirk Oliver Theis, Raul Vicente. Entropy 2017 19(10) Code on GitHub
Publications in Peer-Review Conferences
- Estimating the unique information of continuous variables. With Ari Pakman, Amin Nejatbakhsh, Dar Gilboa, Luca Mazzucato, Michael Wibral, Elad Schneidman. 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2021
- Comparison of IP and CNF models for control of automated valet parking systems. With Dirk Oliver Theis. International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science ( 2017 PROMS, volume 217) Code on GitHub
- The Graph of the Pedigree Polytope is Asymptotically Almost Complete (Ext.Abs.). With Mozhgan Pourmoradnasseri, Dirk Oliver Theis. Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (2017 LNCS, volume 10156)
- A partial information decomposition for discrete and continuous variables. With Kyle Schick-Poland, Aaron Gutknecht, Patricia Wollstadt, Anja Sturm and Michael Wibral. arXiv:2106.12393
- Partial Information Decomposition of Boolean Functions: a Fourier Analysis perspective. With Dirk Oliver Theis and Raul Vicente. arXiv:2010.06976
Technical Reports
PhD Thesis
I taught during my PhD:
Fall 2016/17
- TA for Discrete Mathematics (MTAT.05.008)
Fall 2015/16
- TA for Discrete Mathematics (MTAT.05.008)
Department of Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks, University of Göttingen, Kellnerweg 06-2.115, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
/at/ uni-goettingen
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German Legal Notice
Angaben gem. § 5 TMG:
Abdullah Makkeh
Department of Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks
Kellnerweg 6
D - 37077 Göttingen
E-Mail: [first name] .ali [last name] [AT]
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i = 0;
while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
print 'Iteration ' + i;
print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';
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- Dolor pulvinar etiam.
- Sagittis adipiscing.
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- Dolor pulvinar etiam.
- Etiam vel felis viverra.
- Felis enim feugiat.
- Dolor pulvinar etiam.
- Etiam vel felis lorem.
- Felis enim et feugiat.
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19.99 |
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29.99 |
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Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. |
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Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. |
19.99 |
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Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. |
29.99 |
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Vitae integer tempus condimentum. |
19.99 |
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Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. |
29.99 |
100.00 |